Rainsy to Meet Cambodian Workers in South Korea

Opposition CNRP leader Sam Rainsy is to meet with Cambodian migrant workers during a two-day trip to South Korea later this week, at the end of a European tour that has included stops in Geneva, Brussels and Paris. “He will be visiting [South] Korea to meet with Cambodian workers following the workers’ request,” CNRP spokesman and lawmaker-elect Yim Sovann said. … Mr. Rainsy’s latest visit follows a protest last month that saw hundreds of Cambodians living in South Korea demonstrate outside of Seoul’s City Hall demanding justice for the five garment workers who were killed during clashes with police on January 3, and calling for Prime Minister Hun Sen to step down. … South Korea is a primary destination for Cambodian migrant workers, particularly those specializing in manufacturing, construction and agriculture. Cambodian nationals are the fourth biggest migrant worker population in the East Asian country, according to the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training. …

Mech Dara and Alice Cuddy